Does the economy need a stimulus plan? Yes. Is this the right one? No, not by any measure! Does the plan HAVE to be on Obama’s (the Usurper) desk by February 16th? No! Does anyone on Main Street, anyone with a modicum of common sense believe this plan will work? No!

We are supposed to watch billions of dollars flow out of the treasury so Obama’s stimulus plan can “create” 4 millions jobs. Let’s see, if Richard Shelby is correct, that’s at a cost of $286,000 per job . . . a job that may or not be created. We still don’t know. Even the fools in Washington admit, “No one knows if this will work  . . . but if we don’t act now America faces a catastrophe bigger than the Great Depression . . . one from which we may never recover.”  Hey hearing that, I’m feeling secure about my future, how ‘bout you?

Well, so much for leaving the politics of fear behind! Final cost of draining the treasury for this fool hardly experiment . . . over a trillion dollars. Have they all lost their (place your favorite expletive here) minds?

Since, no one knows if the “stimulus” plan will work. Why don’t we call this insane financial disaster package what is really is . . . the Obama Albatross Plan?

You know the definition of insanity; the act of consistently doing the same thing and expecting different results. Well, let me tell you this sucker will be with us for generations, because as everyone in the country knows (with the exception of the financial wizards in Washington) there is no free lunch. We have a trade deficit as far as the eye can see; China is already holding a very large percentage of our debt, and the Obama wiz kids want to double the deficit.

Bush leaves office leaving this country with the biggest deficient on record . . . eight years of uncontrolled spending . . . a Treasury Secretary who insists the country has to pump $780 billion dollars into the economy to save it. The first half of the money is sent to banks (some of which say they don’t want it) so the banks can begin lending again. Of course, no safeguards are in place, no method for tracking where each and every taxpayer dollar is going. Oh and BTW $78 billion has already been erroneously been overpaid. Poof! Poof! Poof! Into thin air the money goes, and as always the MSM is virtually silent . . . still fixated on Obama’s pecks . . . still swooning in rapture. God, where is that barf bag?

Can anyone list the safeguards that have been put in place to track the billions of dollars Obama and the Democrats want to hurl at the economy for the Albatross Plan? No! There aren’t any, no one wants to take the time to place them into the Albatross bill. That would take work, commitment, and besides we’ve got to meet that February 16th deadline because . . . just what exactly is the reason? Will the Sears Tower explode? Will half of California finally fall into the ocean? What will happen on the 17th if the Albatross bill isn’t on Obama’s desk? How ‘bout this; we will have averted financial disaster, brought on by the clowns in Washington, at least for another day.

What we are supposed to do is to allow billions of dollars to flow out of the treasury. We are to cross our fingers the money will be spent intelligently because, you see, the banks did such a bang up job doing that with the first $350 billion. The banks were supposed to start lending, again, with the first half of the hand outs. Instead they bought other banks, hoarded the money, and increased credit card interest rates!!!!!!! They (add another expletive here) increased the credit card rates to as much as 29% or more!!!! The banks are getting our taxpayer dollars are raping us with usury rates . . . and the Obama team remains silent. And they wonder why no one is spending money! Is there a penalty for such obscene, unconscionable behavior . . . a slap on the hands . . . a fine perhaps? No. Nothing!

How many legislators do you guess have actually read all 778 pages (at last count) of the bill? My guess is none. How many legislators understand business and how the economy works? Close to the same number is my guess.

Here’s another question, how many in Washington could run a lemon aid stand and make a profit? How many of these fine folks, the one that are hurling the future of this country over a never ending cliff, could put together a basic business plan, buy the materials, hire, plan for overhead associated costs, and figure out a way to make a profit?

So, now here we are. The Dow is down another 300 points because as the tax evader Treasury Secretary Geithner Treasury just acknowledged, the first half of the bailout billions is not working. Instead of helping the economy recover, the money is doing the opposite! So, in an effort to help the economy Geithner wants to release the other $350 billion AND THE SENATE HAS JUST PASSED OBAMA’S $838 BILLION ECONOMIC PLAN. Remember that definition of insanity?


Filed under Barack Obama, business, cable networks, Congress, Culture, Democratic National Committee, Democrats, LEGAL ISSUES, LIFE, political party, politics, RANDOM, Uncategorized


  1. Ted

    Now, here’s an example of chutzpah: The Republicans didn’t get their act together enough to challenge Obama for not being constitutionally qualified to be President as an Article 2 “natural born citizen” so Obama’s White House steals the census from the Commerce Department against the specific instructions of the constitution itself — “actual enumeration” under Article 1

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