Mike Lukovich, whose cartoons regularly appear in the Atlanta Journal Constitution, is one of my favorite political cartoonists. Most of the time, I’ve felt his positions about what effects this country have been spot on. Unfortunately, like most of the MSM, Lukovich drank the Kool-Aid and fell in love with the Usurper.

This cartoon was published just before the November election. The irony of Obama being handed a Constitution in tatters, brought on by the Bush Administration’s action cannot be over stated, given the fact that Obama’s disregard of our Republic’s most sacred document, the U.S. Constitution, is regularly ignored. Where Lukovich sees Obama in a heroic light, those of us who have opposed Obama’s politics and policies see little more than a fraud.

Obama has been described as an egomaniac and a pathetic narcissistic megalomaniac who should never have been allowed to enter the White House.


Fact . . . Obama has been elected selected (by the Dean and the other despicable dirty Democrats) to hold office as the first knowingly ineligible candidate to run for the office of POTUS. His own website proudly proclaimed his dual citizenship at the time of birth. One must be a natural born citizen to hold office, born of two parents both of whom are U.S. citizens. Obama was not.

Fact . . . he is the only “President” who has refused to produce the most basic information concerning his background that includes his college records, his original vault copy of his birth certificate (under seal), health records, thesis, billing and client records, etc, etc, etc. while proclaiming to aspire to an open and transparent presidency.

Fact . . . Obama’s teams of lawyers continue to fight toothe and nail to keep this information suppressed. They are now looking to sanction those persons looking to uncover the truth. Most recently, a California suit has been filed against Occidential College to have the college produce Obama’s records while he was in attendence.

Why is this information so important? Because the information ” could reveal on what name Obama attended classes at Occidental and whether he attended on scholarship money intended for foreign students ” as reported by Bob Unruh WorldNetDaily:

A high-powered team of Los Angeles attorneys representing President Obama in his effort to keep his birth certificate, college records and passport documents concealed from the public has suggested there should be “monetary sanctions” against a lawyer whose clients have brought a complaint alleging Obama doesn’t qualify for the Oval Office under the Constitution’s demand for a “natural born” citizen in that post.

Fact . . . Obama has turned his back on so many of his campaign promises for change, that it’s hard to keep track. Two of the most recent examples of his back-tracking include allowing lobbyists to serve in his administration and his decision to keep the Bush policy on rendition. Of late his plea for bi-partisanship has changed into, “We won, so get over it!” Ah, yes, Change we Can Believe In.

Fact . . . this isn’t the first time the Usurper has used intimidation. One need only go back to the 2008 campaign and Obama’s Truth Squads in Missouri to see what the Obama team thinks of the Constitution and free speech (and thought)! Governor Matt Blunt of Missouri said:

What Senator Obama and his helpers are doing is scandalous beyond words, the party that claims to be the party of Thomas Jefferson is abusing the justice system and offices of public trust to silence political criticism with threats of prosecution and criminal punishment.

Fact . . . in less than a month in office, Obama has taken steps to tear this country apart using the financial crisis as a reason to stir further chaos. The Obama stimulus plan is a recipe for disaster and will bring this country to its knees, if it is passed.

It is beyond insane for Obama to demand that a $1.5 trillion dollar bill be on his desk by February 16th. It is insanity that anyone in Congress to consider voting for a 787 page bill that isn’t available for review and consideration.

Fact . . . this country and all of its citizens remain in jeopardy until the Usurper is driven from office.


Filed under 2008 Election, Barack Obama, Congress, Culture, Democratic National Committee, Democrats, LEGAL ISSUES, political party, politics, RANDOM, Uncategorized


  1. Assault or insult. Pick one.

  2. Lauria

    Who taught you to spell, “taters?”

  3. sportsone234

    OMG, opps . . . how ’bout tatters? LOL Did I tell you I was a speling champ?

  4. Perhaps there’s some money in the soon to be enacted Stimulus package for a dictionary. (Or perhaps not.) Just in case Uncle Sam is unwilling to help you, I recommend you either a) pump some private sector money into the purchase of a good dictionary or b) locate someone in your family with some spelling aptitude and holler out requests for help periodically — as, for instance, “How do you spell ‘tatters,'” (SAY IT LOUDLY) — which according to my sources, you actually have spelled correctly.

    Anyway, good luck with it.


  5. sportsone234


    You did know “speling champ” was said “tongue in cheek”, right? Right?

    Hey, good luck with your new blog.


  6. I did! and t’was nicely parodied indeed! And good luck to you with that dictionary (though I really doubt Obama will buy it for you, alas).


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