Today’s been one heck of a day, now that we know Obama’s real intentions as President include bankrupting the coal industry which, in turn, would impact on the railroads, electric plants across the country. As usual, the only news organization to report this is FOX NEWS as the other cable networks & the MSM remain silent!

Now let’s combine this with the fact that we still don’t know if Obama is even eligible to run for the office of POTUS and we are still waiting for the Supreme Court to move on a possible TRO, that MSM has kept quiet about the Obama “Truth Squads” in Missouri, that reporters who papers endorsed McCain are now persona non grata on Obama’s plane, and TV stations are being censured for asking pointed questions . . . beginning to see what Obama’s America looks like?

That having been said, I wrote about this last week, but it may have been buried with all the information about Attorney Philip Berg’s lawsuit against Obama. This is too important to miss.

Anyone remember Biden’s warning that in 6 months there would be a crisis facing the country and many people would not support Obama’s actions even though the new Administration felt they were right? What’s to prevent a faux President Obama from declaring martial law? Thanks to Bush 43’s signing NATIONAL SECURITY PRESIDENTIAL DIRECTIVE/NSPD 51, a faux President Obama could do this at will, in the name of national security!

In another barely reported story, powerful generals from the most powerful nations in the world recently held a meeting in tiny town in upstate New York. The Army has also stationed an infantry unit inside the United States. It is the first time a dedicated unit has been given an assignment as a response force for “crowd control” and other sorts of internal tasks



Filed under 2008 Election, Barack Obama, cable networks, Democrats, political party, politics, RANDOM, Uncategorized


  1. Thanks to Bush 43’s signing NATIONAL SECURITY PRESIDENTIAL DIRECTIVE/NSPD 51, a faux President Obama could do this at will, in the name of national security!

    So could a President McCain, faux or otherwise. Conversely, a President Obama or a President McCain (again, faux or otherwise) could rescind Bush’s presidential directive.

  2. Yes, McCain could under NSPD51 . . . a directive that should be repealed ASAP. The difference is we know who McCain is and we don’t know who Obama is and what we know is very, very troubling.

    The list of Obama imponderables is so lengthly as to be oppressive.

    God help this country if Obama is elected and God damn the MSM whose betrayal of the American voter can never be forgiven!

  3. Obama’s words have been taken out of context by right-wing demagogues. what he actually said was that government should set rules regarding CO2 emissions and _new_ coal plants would be required to pay for any CO2 emitted. If they can burn without the CO2, or if they can trade with a company that has negative CO2 emissions, they’ll be fine.

    Obama: “The point is, if we set rigorous standards for the allowable emissions, then we can allow the market to determine… and technology and entrepreneurs to pursue what’s the best approach to take, as opposed to us saying at the outset, here are the winners that we’re picking, and maybe we pick wrong and maybe we pick right.”

    Full transcript is on my website.

  4. Dale:

    Which part of, “I want to bankrupt the coal industry” was taken out of context.

    BTW, I’ve already read the full transcript.

  5. Remember Biden’s “national crisis” warning in its entirety.

  6. Dr. Evil

    Yes you are correct. Obama wants to bankrupt the coal industry. That is his goal. Now you are powerless to stop him! Hahahahaha! Anarcho-Syndicalists, Communists, Marxists and Anti-everything-good-in-the-world people unite! Our time is at hand! They all fell for it! Our fake president will take power and will set about bankrupting entire industries. Coal is just the beginning! Hahahaha, it will be beautiful destruction and very, very evil.

  7. Scott

    Coal is not the only industry Obama is messing with. The Detroit automakers are going to be forced to install “black boxes” that only the government has the “key” to. They’ll sell it as a safety and information feature for insurance companies, which it will be. But there will be a second information storage system that only the government can access too. We must ask ourselves, what information will they have? What will they use it for? …Don’t buy new cars and only do your maintenance at small shops where you know the owner. It’s the only way to keep Satan Hussein Obama-thon 2008 from spying on you and your Christian, god-loving happy family of goodness.

  8. rightwinger

    Oh yes we took what Obama said out of context, sure thing. He said coal prices would skyrocket. Obama said you can build a coal plant, but you will go bankrupt. I love it, Obama says it on video and it was taken out of context. Just like he said he campaigned in 57 states, one bomb was dropped on Hawaii, and Iran isn’t a threat because its a small country.

    Obama: We’ll bankrupt any new coal plants

    I also checked out Obama’s stop the smears and 1/3 of the items are lies. Stop drinking the kool-aid people and wake up! When your food and energy costs skyrocket don’t be surprised when you have to stand in a soup line. Obama will somehow blame Bush for his stupidity.

  9. Honest Abe

    Obama said he supports CLEAN coal technology and that those who wish to produce coal the dirty way will go bankrupt. The reason everything is coming apart is due to the human greed and overpopulation. If you are a right winger you are just a mentally challenged moron.What America needs most is what is coming. Mass starvation and anarchy! You can thank the Bush supporting right wing morons for that.

  10. Overpopulation? Please, you could take 6 billion people and put them all in Texas or Alaska. If people don’t stand up for the Constitution, you will not have a Constitution at all real soon. Corruption is rampant in this (U.S.) neo-Fascist country. The illusion of freedom is stronger than literally taking peoples rights away. When they get your guns, your done. But go back and watch your American Idol and Fear Factor. Dream away in your apathy. That is what they want you to do.

  11. Billy L. Smith

    This organization, material, etc. is the biggest bunch of garbage I have ever seen. We had better pull together as a nation instead of continuing partisan politica or we may not have a nation!

  12. sportsone234


    I’m always fascinated by people who post negative comments here that attack the blogger, but never the points being made here.

    Unless and until Obama answers the legitimate questions surrounding his birth certificate and the concomitant issues surrounding it, he is not my president. He remains a fraud until he proves he has met the eligibility requirements of the Constitution.

  13. Jeff Mach

    Obama is a fraud and we all must keep fighting until we get the truth and the big “O” is behind bars along with all who participated in this Constitutional Crisis.

  14. Stuben

    Ha ha ha… funny right-wing stuff! Limbaugh overdose.

  15. I love how people are like, “Obama said he supports CLEAN coal technology and that those who wish to produce coal the dirty way will go bankrupt” how many in the coal industry have the capital to redesign their entire plants just to meet some stupid standards” they dont, so guess what, they all go bankrupt. your left with a few coal producers who have all the supply and can charge what they want for it. I.E Skyrocketing prices… and who pays in the end? all of us who rely on coal for their electricity, for goods delivered by railway ect. ect. i love how left wingers automaticly pawn off any good ideas by the rest of us with the catch all “Because right wingers are stupid”

  16. Jon from MN

    I never used to care much about politics. Figured who ever won, that was it, we didn’t and still dont get much of a choice in that… Through school years I saw certain things happen that bugged me quite a bit (stopped saluting the American flag and/ or saying the pledge of Alegiance) but I never really did much more than rant about it for a bit.

    Then I found out a few other things that Kinda put things in perspective for me, most of it was involving the privlages given to illegal aliens and how much I was supposed to adapt for their sake…

    Over the past two or three years, I’ve watched politics be used by many to seperate the idiots from the fools. I started caring then.

    I’m by all means an idiot! I see a “man” be voted into office to run, sustain, and rebuild the country I have pledged to defend, and instead, try to turn it into Hitlers Germany! Acting as though I (the American, constitutionally loyal, citizen) am too ignorant and apathetic to know or care if I do see it. I see this happen and I feel like the only thing to do is to match his building of an army with my own ” personal security force”!!! But, if I were to have everyone that was interested in that idea meet and discuss it, I would most likely be acused of a federal crime involving treason and breaching Ntnl security!

    Well I want it to be known, the day any type of force attempts to stop me from exercising my rights as a citizen, or tries to take the guns kept in my home… It will be the day that I choose to live by the words, “Give me liberty, or give me death!”

    I urge everyone, reguardless of you’re being left or right, look at what is laid in front of you by this “man” that some would call worthy of being our leader, compare what the US gvmt has in place, not just because of what this President has/is/will do, but his predececers as well.

    You call me an idiot, and think it makes you smarter than I am. I call you a fool, and believe it makes me wiser than you. Consider what everyone has said and learn to have some doubt where there was none, and some faith and trust where you had your doubts.

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