Category Archives: REPUBLICANS


It’s official.   { sound of trumpets} We are now self-hosted here.

I’m giving you a “heads up.”  There may be some glitches during this transition phase. Lot’s to still do, so I hope you’ll understand.

BTW, your thoughts and input welcomed as we move through this new phase.

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Filed under 2008 Election, Barack Obama, business, Hillary Clinton, LEGAL ISSUES, LIFE, politics, RANDOM, REPUBLICANS, Sarah Palin, SARCASM & SNARKINESS, Uncategorized


There’s always someone lurking in the bushes, as it were, waiting to be “Oh ffended”  … waiting to pounce!

We have sunk to a new low in sniveling Political Correctness.  Yes boys ‘n girls our ubiquitous Chia pets cannot mingle one with the other because the new Obama Chia pet is racist!  SAY WHAT? What lunatic hospital let these people out?  Can you people get a life?


Walgreens has removed a Barack Obama version of the Chia Pet from its stores.

The Deerfield-headquartered drugstore chain made the move Friday after getting a few complaints about the item since the product”s April 1 launch, a spokeswoman said.

Chia founder Joseph Pedott — a Chicago native whose San Francisco-based Joseph Enterprises provides local jobs for the disabled — said he was inspired to create the Obama head as a show of patriotism

Maybe its just me, but I didn’t find the Obama Chia offensive.  After all haven’t most of us received  one of these little critters at least once in out lives?  Usually you could tell it was from someone who decided to go to a drugstore for a last minute gift (under $10 bucks)  and saw the Chia displays at the checkout counter.

Personally in my humble opinion,  if the manufacturers had come out with one of those wall mounted singing fishes, put an afro on it, and called it an Obama Singing Bass . . . that might have been what?  Funny, perhaps?

At least the White House didn’t put out a press release condemning the the newest addition to American kitsch.  AND blessedly, Joe Biden did not regale us with  his story about how Chia Pet people came to him with an idea for a Biden Buffoon Chia and he said, “look behind you Mr. President no one is following.”  Opps,  looks like Joe got his stories mixed up, again.

chia-pet-mailboxThanks to Racquel who inserted this picture of a racist mailbox in her comment at Sodahead.

For more funny pictures go to here and visit.

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Filed under Barack Obama, business, Congress, Culture, Democratic National Committee, Democrats, Hillary Clinton, Imus, LEGAL ISSUES, LIFE, political satire, politics, RANDOM, REPUBLICANS, Sarah Palin, SARCASM & SNARKINESS, Uncategorized


Yes, it happened this evening . . . Keith Olbermann, Obama lapdog & apologist extraordinaire, criticized Obama and his “Justice” Department. Seems his administration has taken steps that are more extreme than Bush 43 ‘s position on wiretapping and a citizen’s right to sue the government.

We all remember how outraged the left and the MSM media were about Bush’s tactics and the wide scale intrusion into our right for privacy? This evening in the irony of ironies it was Olbermann bringing this issue to the forefront. For the first 10 minutes of his program he was the Keith of old … performing like an actual journalist.  Alas, that didn’t last very long . . .  one segment that’s all!

To the point:

The Obama administration is defending, yet again, the wide ranging illegal wire tapping program of the Bush administration despite fiercely criticizing this policy during the Presidential campaign. His Justice Department is advancing the usual circular logic argument of “national security” in defending the government against a suit brought on behalf of AT&T customers who suspect that their communications were illegally intercepted by federal authorities.

Read the rest of this post here:


Filed under Barack Obama, cable networks, Democrats, LEGAL ISSUES, LIFE, political party, politics, RANDOM, REPUBLICANS, Uncategorized


OK, where was I? Oh ya, I had just been handed my head, figuratively speaking of course, by the site administrator over at Free Republic for a still undisclosed and unknown reason.


"Off with her head!", the Red Queen said.

What was really weird was I had just posted an update on Obama, martial law, and Blackwater. How could my “offense” have anything to do with that? Hmmm, not likely. Could it be my last post of a few days earlier, on my other blog, Say No to Plastic and entitled, Memo to Megyn Kelly – Using Plastic Bags is So Yesterday? If that was the reason, that would also be weird for two reasons.

One, I’ve posted on concerns about our thoughtless use of all forms of plastic before on Free Republic without suffering any consequences. While most did not agree with me, some did. I didn’t expect complete agreement. One knows in advance that people preaching about global warming, for example, are not welcomed there. I’ve tried to be respectful and mindful of that . . . never vilifying the plastic industry.

Besides we can’t all agree with each other all the time; Kool-Aid Kids and Obama bots do that . . . not adults. Aren’t Freepers and Puma’s against lock-step thought and absolute adherence to every point of view held by their leaders? I thought so.

Two, if the Megyn Kelly post was the offense, why take this action now? The post had already been up for days.

So what happened? I still don’t know. What I do know is this. This action by the administrator at Free Republic is emblematic, symptomatic of what has happened to Americans in our country. We just don’t listen to each other any more. Most of the time, we don’t have the courtesy to give the other side an opportunity to talk and present their side of an issue. Sad. We spend more time looking for bad guys than we spend on looking for good ideas. The former is a waste of time . . . the latter is productive.

That is too bad, because we are all diminished when, with “knee jerk reactions”, we close our ears and our minds to those holding opposing opinions. Holding onto strident positions without considering, even momentarily, that there is another legitimate point of view weakens us.

Let me give you two small examples of personal changes I have made.

For years I have been against drilling in ANWR and building new nuclear plants. While I remain a Hillary supporter, once it was clear Obama was going to be selected to run for POTUS by the Dems, I became a McCain/Palin supporter believing that putting country ahead of party was the only thing to do.

I thought Palin was a brilliant pick by McCain . . . still do . . . and if the Republican Party wants to resurrect itself, it needs more common sense people like Palin. Anyone think if Palin was Governor of California that the State would have the deficits that have been allowed to grow under Schwarzenegger? No, of course, not. Ah, but I digress.

When Sarah was campaigning I heard her discussions about ANWR. Who better to discuss the issue than the Governor of Alaska. Not surprisingly, her observations of the importance of ANWR and its environmental impact were markedly different from what is generally portrayed in the MSM.

I also listened to McCain discussing nuclear power and remembered living through Three Mile Island when I lived in Pennsylvania. I still remember radio station KYW’s updates. We were told that there was a real possibility that we were going to have to evacuate; the fear was thick, palpable. I remember asking myself, if there’s only a half hour to decide what to keep and what to leave behind (forever?) what my choices would be.

I listened to McCain’s point about accident free power on subs and throughout the country; not a single accident in 20 years. Even after having lived through the Three Mile Island fear, I changed my position. Times change, the economy changes, what is necessary to continue to foster growth and greatness changes. We need to look at ourselves and ask if we are holding on to positions that no longer make any sense.

Right now the State of California has the resources and ability to run budget surpluses and get out of debt. Want to know how? Start opening the off shore oil leases. Start pumping the oil. In a barely reported story, FOX detailed how California and the country could profit. Instead, lacking the political will to do what makes sense and is for the common good, the “Governator” would rather take money from the “stimulus” bill . . . would rather have tax payers from Georgia and across the country foot their largess!

So what’s the moral to this? Well, for starters, any site/blog administrator can choose to do what they want, but I would suggest there was a better way to handle this.

I’ve deleted a hand full of comments over the last year . . . maybe six or seven. I’ve also left repugnant comments when I felt the comments were a true reflection of the person making them. In one case I was called a Nazi ”C” word . . . no not that “C” word . . . Conservative . . . the four letter one that begins with “C” and rhymes with runt.

I have a page called “Deleted” that gives the posting guidelines here. The first guideline is not to attack me personally. Attack the problem or topic of the post. This blog is supposed to be place for intelligent discourse, after all.

Let me point out, yet again, that no group has a monopoly on common sense, good ideas, or ideas for moving this country forward. More than ever before, we need to be talking to each other and listening . . . listening . . . even if the topic being discussed is one we do not agree with.

BTW, I checked my emails again this morning. Still no response to query. Think I’ll ever here back?

{{Sound of crickets}} Bueller? Bueller? Hello . . . is anyone there?


Filed under Barack Obama, Culture, Democrats, John McCain, LEGAL ISSUES, LIFE, political party, politics, RANDOM, REPUBLICANS, Sarah Palin, Uncategorized


A few days ago I posted this under the title Can One be PUMA and a Freeper at the Same Time. Yesterday I realized that what I am discussing is much larger than a site administrator suddenly revoking someone’s posting privileges without any notice and completely out of the blue or my bruised feelings about the unjust accusation. Hence the title change.

This is really about us. All of us . . . closing ourselves off into little groups, hurling accusations, like spit balls, at people and ideas we don’t agree with. As you read this. Ask yourself how many ideas you are really giving a fair voice to?

For months, the answer to that question has been yes, as it relates to me. That all ended two days ago, when my posting privileges at Free Republic (where Freepers come from if you don’t know) were suspended for being a troll. A troll! AN OBAMA TROLL? WHAT KIND OF TROLL?

Need I say that I was stunned? Anyone that continues to visit this site knows my positions on faux President Obama and his ineligibility of hold the office of POTUS, the new age phony Democrats, my support of Sarah Palin, and host of other topics that continue to plague this country. Taking about plagues, we can put Princess Pelosi, Haughty Reed, Piggy Schumer, and Barfy Frank in that class. Scratch the word “class” none of these people have any class . . . replace that with cabal.

For those who have never heard of Free Republic, it is a conservative site where “true believers” and Reagan Republicans come to blog and share information. Some have called it a rabid den full of conservative loonies, not me, but guess who? Before going any further, if anyone wants to jump ugly about either PUMA’s or Freepers, don’t. This is not meant to be disparaging of either group!

I, on the other hand, found it to be a place that welcomed me, a fierce moderate (something I share with Benjamin Franklin), a Hillary supporter, and a one time Democrat. Point of fact, they found me before I found them. I’d never heard of them and probably would have never sought this group out on my own. So how did the relationship happen?

When reviewing the blog stats for this site, I continued to see numerous hits from the Free Republic site. Hmmm . . . who were these people? Freepers were reading what I had to say on a daily basis. After visiting their site and with a little trepidation, I joined the group because I found I agreed with most (not all) of their positions. (Candidly, I’m always a little suspicious of people that claim to hold every position I hold. That’s not possible and anyone who claims to hold identical thoughts with you all the time is either lying to themselves or lying to you.)

Yes, I joined a group with the dreaded “C” word . . . no not that “C” word you fool . . . Conservatives. What I found were smart, savvy, to the point, and in your face people who dislike the direction our country has taken, as much as the PUMA’s do. Yes, I am a PUMA and proud of it.

So, what could be the problem since both groups that I associate with share a love of country, a belief that the Constitution is of paramount importance . . . that it is the life blood of this country and that our country’s continued greatness is dependent upon adherence to the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, and the documents that form our most perfect Union.

The only thing I can figure out is I have second blog that has a very tiny following. It is called Say No to Plastic which I will get back to in a minute. It couldn’t have been my last post at Hillary and me, which focused on an update on Obama’s abilities to declare martial law. SO, I’m guessing this is the reason because I really don’t know. I immediately sent an email to the site administrator asking what I had done that caused the equivalent of my being guillotined in France. The response I received was:

{{Sound of crickets}} Bueller? Bueller? Hello . . . is anyone there?

Yup, no response from the administrator of a group that should represent respectful freedom of speech and thought . . . one would think anyway. Not a word …. Zippo, zero, zilch, nada.

Tomorrow, more in Part II.

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Filed under Barack Obama, Culture, Democrats, Hillary Clinton, John McCain, LEGAL ISSUES, political party, politics, RANDOM, REPUBLICANS, Sarah Palin, Uncategorized