Category Archives: political satire


There’s always someone lurking in the bushes, as it were, waiting to be “Oh ffended”  … waiting to pounce!

We have sunk to a new low in sniveling Political Correctness.  Yes boys ‘n girls our ubiquitous Chia pets cannot mingle one with the other because the new Obama Chia pet is racist!  SAY WHAT? What lunatic hospital let these people out?  Can you people get a life?


Walgreens has removed a Barack Obama version of the Chia Pet from its stores.

The Deerfield-headquartered drugstore chain made the move Friday after getting a few complaints about the item since the product”s April 1 launch, a spokeswoman said.

Chia founder Joseph Pedott — a Chicago native whose San Francisco-based Joseph Enterprises provides local jobs for the disabled — said he was inspired to create the Obama head as a show of patriotism

Maybe its just me, but I didn’t find the Obama Chia offensive.  After all haven’t most of us received  one of these little critters at least once in out lives?  Usually you could tell it was from someone who decided to go to a drugstore for a last minute gift (under $10 bucks)  and saw the Chia displays at the checkout counter.

Personally in my humble opinion,  if the manufacturers had come out with one of those wall mounted singing fishes, put an afro on it, and called it an Obama Singing Bass . . . that might have been what?  Funny, perhaps?

At least the White House didn’t put out a press release condemning the the newest addition to American kitsch.  AND blessedly, Joe Biden did not regale us with  his story about how Chia Pet people came to him with an idea for a Biden Buffoon Chia and he said, “look behind you Mr. President no one is following.”  Opps,  looks like Joe got his stories mixed up, again.

chia-pet-mailboxThanks to Racquel who inserted this picture of a racist mailbox in her comment at Sodahead.

For more funny pictures go to here and visit.

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How does one defend the indefensible . . . oh, say like warrentless wiretapping?   Attack the messenger and forget the message, that’s how.

John, Obama Sheeple,  doesn’t like my use of the word “faux” when describing President Obama. I used it in yesterday’s post . . . OLBERMANN CRITICIZES FAUX PRESIDENT OBAMA – HELL FREEZES OVER!!!

Guess that’s a bigger issue for him than the fact that the Obama “Justice” Department is intent on taking a position on wiretapping that is more radical than Bush 43’s position! If you liked Bush 43’s position on this, you’ll love Obama’s stance.

I have rules for posting a comments here; rules that include attack the problem/issue being discussed not the writer or administrator of this blog.  Apparently John didn’t read those rules.  I have intentionally left his comment up this morning because nothing could be a clearer demonstration of the Obama lock-step mindset that plagues us.

That’s why it is a topic worthy of a post.  Here’s John’s response to the Obama ‘s decision to break another campaign promise to fight to restore civil liberties and privacy:

“Faux President”? Obama wasn’t elected president by an overwhelming majority of American voters?

Using the word ‘Faux’ (as in ‘Faux News’ to mock Fox News, where you mindlessly picked this up), means that “it is NOT in reality”. Being elected president by the overwhelming majority of American voters makes you the actual president (unlike Bush who lost in 2000, and unlike Hillary who lost in the primaries).

Reality’s apparently something you despise. And your being a sexist twit only makes your situation more pathetic and “faux reality”.

So says, John, Obama Sheeple.  Hmmm, I’m a sexist (that’s a new one… must have gotten tired of using the racist card) living in faux reality where Obama was elected by the “overwhelming” majority of voters.

John, Obama has trashed the Constitution.  He is a faux president until such time as he produced the documents that prove once and for all that he is a natural born citizen,  eligile to hold the office of president, as required by the Constitution.   You remember the Constitution, don’t you?

BTW, you’d make a good storm trooper for Obama Truth Squads.    You remember those, don’t you? Obama used them to defeat Hillary “fair & square” …. not!  Governor Matt Blunt said of Truth Squads:

“What Senator Obama and his helpers are doing is scandalous beyond words, the party that claims to be the party of Thomas Jefferson is abusing the justice system (surprise, surprise, surprise, she said) and offices of public trust to silence political criticism with threats of prosecution and criminal punishment.

This abuse of the law for intimidation insults the most sacred principles and ideals of Jefferson. I can think of nothing more offensive to Jefferson’s   thinking than using the power   of  the state to deprive Americans of their civil rights.

John, “snap out it!”


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Some things just speak for themselves!  Hat tip to  Conservative Action Alerts.

Oh, (swoon) how do I love thee?  Let me count the ways!


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If you can believe it, this is from the Washington Post on 12/25/08 from an, as yet, unidentified writer. I mean there’s slobbering and then there’s SLOBBERING. Andrew Sullivan did you write this?

The sun glinted off chiseled pectorals (wait I’m about to upchuck) sculpted during four weightlifting sessions each week . . .

Not to be outdone we now have to face two fatuous world leaders in various states of undress. To which I say, “please I’m beggin ya . . . will you put your damn shirts back on!”

Memo to the MSM. Unless the so-called Hunk Jerk in Chief looks like JFK Jr.johncollage12gi1

or Brad Pitt, or George Clooney, or Morgan Freeman (shirt on or off, he’s real man) or Denzel Washington or . . . just about anyone else . . . will you please stop snapping these types of pictures. They are not sexy. They are laugh-out-loud silly. Hey, where’s that barf bag?

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I caught this over at Free Republic (H/T Daniel Ramsey) . . . it cracked me up. This is the second day in a row that I have stumbled upon something laugh out loud funny.

This is for all those agonizing over the Constitutional crisis brought on by Obama’s lack of candor and honesty about his background and the implications for the country if we are correct.

A special thank you to the insane mind of David Drake for helping to bring humor to this untenable situation.



Filed under 2008 Election, Barack Obama, Culture, Democrats, LIFE, political satire, politics, RANDOM, Uncategorized


Remember when Saturday Night Live, the Daily Show, and Bill Maher were funny all the time AND were bi-partisan as well? Remember when both parties were skewered equally?

Remember when the so called Fourth Estate actually reported the news instead of trying to interject itself into the news stories? I’m so sick and tired of hearing how reporters feel. Yuk! Can you guys stopped being so self-obsessed and try reporting the news?

Well, all is not lost. I tripped over this site this morning. How did I ever miss it? If you’ve never moseyed over to the Onion News Network, run … don’t walk. There’s some funny stuff here. No one is safe! I love it. So enjoy.

Here are three videos guaranteed to put a smile on your face.

I thought about calling this post, WARNING! NOT FOR OBAMABOTS! DO NOT LOOK! We already know they have no sense of humor! You will have to click the first one on:

Obama Win Causes Obsessive Supporters To Realize How Empty Their Lives Are

Where was this one before the election? Here’s #2

The Onion: Obama Undertakes Presidential Internship

Here’s #3. It has nothing to do with politics, it’s just funny. Let’s classify this one under overwrought news-less news stories foisted upon the public.

The Onion: First Openly Gay Racehorse To Compete Sunday


Filed under 2008 Election, Barack Obama, cable networks, Culture, Democrats, political satire, politics, RANDOM, Uncategorized


According to an article found at Reuters Hollywood executives & insiders are ripping MSNBC apart and declaring the network is completely out of control.

By Paul Bond

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) – In a room full of television industry executives, no one seemed inclined to defend MSNBC on Monday for what some were calling its lopsidedly liberal coverage of the presidential election.

The cable news channel is “completely out of control,” said writer-producer Linda Bloodworth-Thomason, a self-proclaimed liberal Democrat. She added that she would prefer a lunch date with right-leaning Fox News star Sean Hannity over left-leaning MSNBC star Keith Olbermann.

[…] Bloodworth-Thomason and others seemed especially critical of the way MSNBC — and other media — has attacked Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin while demeaning her supporters.

[…] Pollster Frank Luntz, a regular guest on the Fox News, joked that MSNBC is “the only network with more letters in its name than viewers.”

Frank, this is a surprise? Ever tried to watch the Rachael Maddow show for more than 5 minutes. Talk about torture!


Filed under 2008 Election, cable networks, Culture, LIFE, political satire, politics, RANDOM, Sarah Palin, Uncategorized


WHAT’S THE MATTER WITH ANDREW SULLIVAN? What is his problem with Sarah Palin? I don’t get it. The Log Cabin Republicans have thrown their support to her. He is a long time member of the group, is he not?

One would think he’d be in support of her candidacy and of her choice for Vice President by John McCain. One of Palin’s first acts as Governor of Alaska was to veto a bill that would have denied gay couples the same benefits as are paid to married heterosexual couples in Alaska. Regardless of her personal feelings (is being gay a choice?) she did the right thing for the right reasons. Public policy was adhered to according to the law. Isn’t that what we want in this country?

Instead, he’s part of the Palin disinformation squad in the media. Witness his September 29th post at The entitled The Lies and Lies of Sarah Palin. Say what? The article is so nitpicky and silly, one would have thought it had been generated by the Obama nutroots, the Kool-Aid Kids. Here are a few examples:

  • Sarah Palin didn’t sell the governor’s jet on eBay. He’s splitting hairs here. The plane was on eBay, but didn’t sell and was taken off the site. A private investor was found and the Alaskan taxpayers recouped most of the money expended in the original purchase.
  • Palin has talked (eloquently, in MHO) about one of her best friends who happens to be gay. Sullivan says he couldn’t find any of her gay friends, so therefore they don’t exist. Hard to imagine where & how he looked. I guess he expected that people in Alaska run around with labels on their foreheads with words that say, “I’m one of Sarah’s gay friends!” IDIOT!
  • According to Sullivan, Palin’s teleprompter didn’t fail at the GOP Convention. Hey, all I know is the MSM media reported this, as did FOX. Other than Sullivan no one has disputed she had teleprompter problems in the middle of her speech.

Sarah Palin does bring on extreme reactions from old school 70’s feminists and the crazies on lunatic left who are afraid the right to abortions will cease. What is important here is that Palin continues to demonstrate she doesn’t let her personal feelings interfere with public policy.

She may be opposed to abortion on demand, but she supports the use of condoms and the teaching of abstinence only policy in conjunction with other information. Sounds like a pragmatic approach to me.

Ah, but I digress. The question remains, what’s Sullivan’s problem. All I know is when I heard him on Bill Maher’s show two weeks ago deconstructing Palin, I thought he and Maher must have been “doing lines” of Kool-Aid before the show.

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Filed under 2008 Election, Culture, LIFE, political party, political satire, politics, RANDOM, Sarah Palin, Uncategorized


The Vice Presidential debate is over, and as they you gotta give the devil his/her due.  I’ve become so cynical this political season, that I didn’t believe Ifill would turn in an impartial performance.  She did.

When the media plays it “fair ‘n square”  we all win.  Good for you Gwen.

Gwen Ifill is going to moderate the Vice Presidential debate . . . the one and only debate?!?

What Chris Matthews or Keith Olbermann weren’t available? Give me a break!

Wait, no, why not have Tina Fey or Bill Maher as moderators because this is going to be a joke!

How many softballs do you think Ifill sends Biden’s way? You all know Biden, the VP candidate that thinks Roosevelt went on TV to address the nation when Wall Street crashed in 1929! Think Gwen will ask him about that? Or, how ’bout that harrowing incident when his helicopter “went down” in Afghanistan in a hale of snow flakes.

You will have to excuse now, I’ve got to find some forks so I can start sticking them in my head. Any instrument will do, right now.

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The last time we went down this road we were talking about Obama’s fake presidential seal. One would have thought that lessons would have been learned . . . apparently not.

Now, boys ‘n girls we have the Obama presidential coin. We haven’t had our first presidential debate, he’s not elected, and we have (ta da) the Obama presidential coins . . . and in three finishes, gold, silver, and platinum!

According to Weasel Zippers

Democratic Party Contracts Company to Produce Gold, Silver and Platinum Obama Presidential Coins….



A company in Birmingham’s Jewellery Quarter is making commemorative coins for American presidential hopeful Barack Obama.

And if the Democratic candidate is elected to become the most powerful man in the world on November 4, it could open the floodgates for millions of pounds worth of business for the firm.

Windsor, Elizabeth & Windsor has already sold more than 300 limited edition commemorative silver coins to the Democratic Party to hand out to key members of the campaign to elect Obama.

WEW is producing limited edition runs of gold, silver and platinum Obama coins, and plans to produce new ones in other finishes for public consumption if the demand emerges.

The coins already sold to the Democrats will be presented to the senators, congressmen, governors and other politicians they are being given to within the next two weeks.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Did you notice the words”In God We Trust” on the outside of the box? Nice touch!


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